Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Me and a few buddies are all in the same printmaking class so we decided to get together and carve last night. Our first assignment is a woodcut hence the wood chips everywhere.

I decided to base my wood cut off of a sketch I had in my Moleskine of an owl. I wanted it to be a bit different than the other woodcuts so I opted to put the owl inside an oval frame. Below are some images of the drawing along with the beginnings of the carving. I'm also working on an illustration as a favour for a friend who hosted me in Miami for a week. I'll get some images of that up soon. So here you go!

Printmaking pain!

Monday, March 29, 2010

New Website!

I have just finished designing my own website and will be uploading it in a few days. I'm very excited! It'll be an easy way to get my work out to the world, hopefully people like it! Well if you'd like to check it out at's at :

And if you got to this blog from the website then thanks for stopping by. I'll be updating as much as I can, I am hoping to get a new post up every 2 days or so. School is rather busy at the moment so I'll do what I can to keep up!